When you’re doing what you love, time flies without you knowing it. It’s hard to believe that emi landscape (back then known as Estate Maintenance Inc.) first started in 1983. Boy, have times changed!
We have grown exponentially, from basic residential lawn mowing to complete commercial/industrial turf maintenance programs that may also include snow removal services, street sweeping, and enhancements that add color and value to our client’s properties. Along the way, we have grown amazing relationships with our clients ( some since the 1980s) and our vendors. Your faith and support are always so appreciated!! Additionally, our “emi” family has expanded so much that one shop was not enough to house all of us!

Still The Same Company
But even with all the growth and changes throughout our journey, one thing has stayed the same. We do what we say we are going to do. We have a razor-sharp focus on our
five core values that we let guide our daily activities and decisions:
- Fanatical attention to detail
- Grow yourself, grow your team
- Show efficiency with every step
- Build & maintain lasting relationships
- Relentless commitment to getting the job done
We continually invest in and support our team members. For example, to enhance our winter services and promote safety during harsh snowy conditions, training through our professional snow management organization has been a top priority. We are proud to share that we have 19 Advanced Snow Managers, as well as 2 Certified Snow Professionals. We also have 6 staff members with certificates of completion for the Fundamentals of Anti-Icing and Liquids. We believe education with experience enables our team members to anticipate and create solutions for our clients.
A Brand Refresh
Change is constant and let’s be honest; what hasn’t changed in the past three years?

At emi landscape, a major change occurred on January 1, 2021, as one generation stepped back for another one to move forward. And that’s what has fueled our decision to update the official emi brand. In the early ’90s the founder of emi, Ed Wigfield, knew a talented man who painted race cars to lend his creative insight in producing a new logo as emi landscape transitioned from residential properties to commercial properties. And he worked cheaply – his total compensation for the new logo was a six-pack of beer! Oh! The good old days!
Over the past year and a half, Bob has had time to settle in as the new captain at the helm. He believes the time is right to give our brand a refresh, one that reflects where we’ve come from as well as where we’re going.
Unveiling Our New Logo
We are so excited to unveil our new logo and our new website as part of this ownership change.
There are three trees in our new logo, which reflect the first generation that created the roots of our organization, our current generation which expanded the vision, and the future that holds endless possibilities, be it Bob’s two daughters or simply the new generation of workers to join our fold.

We believe this logo better reflects who we are, what we do, and where we dare dream to be.
We hope you like our familiar, yet “brand” new company as much as we do! 2023 will be our 40th year in business. We are so proud to call the Lehigh Valley our home!
We want to thank our clients, our team members, and our vendors who have contributed to the success of emi landscape. We look forward to the next 40 years!